Workshops for Careers in the Arts (Pilot for Duke Ellington HS) 1971-1973
Simmons College 1973-1977 (B.A.)
Mass College of Art (illustration) 1973
The School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (special graphics and publishing art program) 1974-1977
Corcoran School of Art (ceramic classes) 1998
Notre Dame High School 1969-73
2015 Cuban Experience- Mosaic Tile Study/ Public Art
2005 Fellow- Virginia Center for the Creative Arts,Amherst, Va.
2002-7 Artist in Residence for Akebulan Academy ant the Anacostia Museum (Smithsonian)
1998 Artist in Residence- The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
2019 Artists & Makers - “Grassroots” -Juried Exhibit
2019 Smith Center for the Healing
2018 “Portals and Doors”- Solo Exhibit – Publick Playhouse
2017 –Past as Prologue-Solo Exhibit-Largo Sports Complex
2016 “Carnival”Pepco BADC Exhibit
2013 – 2015 Bus Boys & Poets
2012 – Brookland Temporium (Curator)
2011-“ Conversations in Dinqnesh” (Joyce Gordon Gallery, Oakland, California)
2010- “Sisters” Banneker Douglas Museum (Annapolis, Md.)
2009 – “Songs for our Mothers” – Roxanne’s Artiques (Wash DC)
2008 – “Black Matters” – Zenith Gallery (Wash DC)
2007 – “ Garden of Eve’n”- Artomatic, (Alexandria, Va.)
2007-“Art DC”- Convention Center (Washington DC)
2006 - BADC-(Black Artists of DC) Miami Basel (Florida)
2004 -The Jazz Museum – “Something for the Soul” – Kansas City, Mo)
2003- Abafazi – Simmons College Trustman Gallery (Boston, Massachusetts)
2002 - “Hair Raising Tales” – Griot Cinema (U Street, Wash DC)
Essence Magazine, Black Classics Press, Simmons College, Sweet Honey in the Rock, HU Press, The Northeast Star (Premier cover) The Washington Informer, The Offices of Black Catholics, Moratorium on Prison Construction, The Black Arts Review, Black Art International Review
Essence Magazine 25th Anniversary Celebration, Smithsonian Museum of American History, Sidwell Friends, Concerned Black Men, Anacostia Muesum
PUBLIC ARTS PROJECTS (Direct/Manage/Participate/Execute)
2014 Dance Place Public Art Award
A Peace Art Odyssey –The Homecoming Bridge (Blowing Up Bridges With Art w/The Young Masters 1999-2014)
The Magic Flute (Corcoran College of Art- VACOP) 1997
Chimney Painting for these Child Development Center)
U Street Mural (w/Washington Historical Society) 1997
Resurrect Woodlawn!(w/ Washington Project for the Arts and DCPS) 1995
The Washington Area Food Bank Murals (w/ Akebulan Academy) 1998 &1999
The Creation Story (w/St. Anthony School 1991)
Children Against Apartheid (w/ Mayor’s Office and DCPS)1986
BROWN SPICES – soft sculpture dolls and quilts
Mother-Daughter Partnership
Soft Sculptured Doll Series from 1979 to present-with many spin-offs including quilts, books and The Young Masters Program
2020 DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities Art Bank Collection, 2019 Montgomery County Art Bank Collection, The Roland Freeman Quilt Collection, A’leleia Bundles Madame CJ Walker Collection, DAMALI Art collection, Eloise Greenfield, Bernice Reagon, The Smithsonian Anacostia Museum, Rep. John Lewis
THE YOUNG MASTERS, INC. Volunteer Passion
Founding Mother and Director, 37 years
The Frannybooks Collection 2020(soft sculpture-mixed media books) 2019-2020
The Butterfly Trip (written and illustrated 1981—re-published 2017)
Da’ Bomb A Peace Odyssey 2014
Dance of the Rain Gods (Africa World Press 1995)
Brown Spices ABC Book (Brown Spices Publishing 1985)