The Butterfly Trip is a story for all ages. The story represents a surrealistic fable--it is the truth I face daily. In this world dominated by weapons and conflict it is hard to believe this story but if everyone could live the reality—they could share in a happier ending. For now, it is a worthy journey to color.
Even if the book doesn’t change the world, it can make your own life better. Published right before the 2017 inauguration it will be an essential mental health tool for the next 4 years! Experience the therapy of coloring!
This small 250 copy edition of the book (The Publishers’ Preview Edition) has been made possible by very special donations. Proceeds will continue the effort. The books sell for $10 each.
Some publications are available through Black Classics Press and Africa World Press.
Cards, Posters and Prints can be purchased right here on the website. To see what is currently available go to the shop.