“Feed the people art for nourishment…less fattening--more fulfilling!”
-Julee Dickerson-Thompson
Julee Dickerson-Thompson is a multi-media artist. Her work ranges from painting & soft sculpture/fiber into public art and illustration. Julee is noted for a unique, stylized approach to line drawing that becomes characteristic of her work in all forms of media.

“A spiritual momentum is ever present as I explore the Creator’s metaphors by allowing myself to become a vessel for my work. It is a moment of sweet surrender when I can truly open my pores and allow my soul to be guided spontaneously by painting my libations.
My next task becomes to re-enter the work as a viewer…Can my fresh eyes decipher all the messages? Do the images satisfy the hunger and the appetite? Does the “eye candy” give true sustenance? This is my goal—to nourish and delight…the eye…the soul…the Spirit!”